
Organizing Tips!

Hellooooo everyone!

Do you ever find yourself searching for a pencil or embellishment in the midst of doing a craft project? This happens to me way too often and for some reason I keep losing my stuff in my house and only find it months or years later.

I thought I couldn't be the only one facing this problem and I wanted to offer some organizing tips to make your life so much easier and neater.

Tip #1 : Place your embellishments in cute little jars.

I separated my ribbons, felt papers and glass beads into different jars. I got 4 of these jars at IKEA for $3.90. It makes organizing such a pleasant experience.

Tip #2 : Place all your craft materials in a box and label it.

Compared to a few years back, my craft materials has vanished quite a bit. I decided to only get materials when I really need them because it is so expensive in Singapore. *cries* I bought a set of box in IKEA as well when they were having a promotion. I cannot remember the prices as they differ according to different sizes. I was able to fit all my items in my boxes. 

I'm telling you guys, please label the them. It makes life so much easier. I used to have different boxes and trays to place my items but because they were no labels, things get mixed up easily. Also, I bought a few of these boxes in the same colour, I didn't want to open up each one to check which is which.

Tip #3 : Organize your pens/pencils/markers in different holders.

I took a piece of wood from a used bookshelf and my cousin helped with drilling the holes to place the thing (I do not know what it is called) to hold the container. Seek help if you cannot use the drill.

The container has a hook like back where I can hook it to the holder.

All these items were purchased from IKEA. The holders were sold for $1.80 for 6 pieces and the container was priced at $0.90 each. I had to use a piece of wood as the holders can't go through walls. This also served as a multi purpose function where the extra space is used as a platform to stick reminders and notes.

Tip #4 : Organize your things in a DIY Holder.

I made a tutorial for the above DIY holder a week back. Click on the link above for full details! My mum had been squeezing her skincare products in a small paper bag which looked not at all appealing and pretty on her side table. So I offered to make a holder for her and the overall result turned out really pretty. This looks even better than the one I made for the tutorial, so do check it out on how I made them!

Now my things are more organized and I have no problem locating them. Also, I have a bigger and neater working space after organizing my stationary. Although IKEA is the best place to go shopping if you want to do DIYs and Organizing, I personally feel that you can always find something old at home and turn them into something new. 

Lately I have been really inspired and the above pictures are results of it. Instead of having a difficult time searching for your missing items all over your house, start by organizing your things and you will see the difference in no time. Also, since Ramadan is here there will be less post on food and I shall make it up to you guys by posting DIY projects after I get more ideas. *winks*

Lastly, if you guys love cupcakes, I have a special post coming up very soon so do stay tuned!


  1. Organizing 101 is a Trademarked name. Please do not use it unless you get permission.

    1. Hi, I'm sorry I wasn't aware of it. I have made the changes. Thanks for informing me.
